Friday, December 04, 2015

Spencer turned 9

It seems life never quite slows down enough for me to catch my breath or at least to focus on what I really want to do, clean my house, make it cozy, make yummy food and do the laundry. Next to having fun with my family and decorating, exercising and photography that's all I want to do. Those things are my favorite. But illness, divorce drama, car problems, money problems, arguing problems, health problems, dog problems, yard problems, bill problems, insurance problems...all these unwanted intrusive problems sneak in and they never stop. So I find myself scrambling and exhausted after dealing with these problems left with not even close to enough energy to put into the things I cherish.  I am left unable to fully enjoy the things I love the most. Please tell me this will change. I am praying to know what I can do differently so I can more fully enjoy my time with my family.  I realize that probably is a weird intro into the Spencer turns nine post but its appropriate to me because I looked forward to this day for a really long time and even though it was really great to celebrate with him and make it a special day for him...I was soooooo tired. 

Spencer requested IHOP for breakfast, BLT's for lunch, a fishing trip that included a chance to throw the football around at the park, Pesto with chicken and broccoli for dinner followed by the BYU football game and then some pie in place of a cake. We fit it all in except the BLT's. Plus Spencer had no chores. We like to celebrate birthdays on Saturday so the birthday kids can take the whole entire day off of chores and enjoy there special day.
Another tradition we have is to let the kids all pick out birthday presents for each other. This year we got to use a coupon with Amazon prime now for 20 off an order. The order arrived within two hours of placing it. That was a pretty fun experience. Spencer got a couple nerf swords, some legos, and a croquet game. 
We love this little boy so much and I really want him to stay little forever. It's so hard to be present and enjoy each day as they are and not wish away all the problems but I am really praying hard that I can do that in order to minimize regrets as I look back. I want to enjoy every minute.

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