Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Side column picture update. Grant (13) , Spencer (8) , Joshua (3) , Kate (19 months) , Ethan (2 weeks)

Grant is in 7th grade now! He chose to study Mandarin this year as his language elective and his teacher has been really impressed with his talent for picking it up. He loves to play basketball and football whenever he can get a chance. He his currently working on 3 Eagle scout merit badges and continues to love learning. He is a great big brother and plays with his siblings a lot. He likes having his own room and keeps it really clean. Its fun to watch him grow up and talk to him about life and his goals for the future. Grant is very determined and sensitive to doing what is right. I am proud of his efforts to do the best he can in his current circumstances. We love him dearly.
Spencer is in 3rd grade and loves his teacher Mrs. Lunt. He is in Gate and shares the riddles he gets from Mr. Boring (the gate teacher). He loves to read, especially Harry Potter. He plays well with his friends and siblings and loves to be at home more than anything else. His asthma is very well controlled this year and we are so happy about that. He is being followed by a specialist and takes a lot of preventative medication to keep it from flaring up like it has in years past. Spencer works hard at everything he does and tries really hard to follow the rules. He is excited to be able to attend the temple when he is twelve. He is a happy guy and we really love having him in our family.

Joshua is 3 PASSIONATE and very tenderhearted. He feels things very deeply and brings a lot of life to our family. He enjoys saying every single family prayer and is working on taking turns. He likes to sing Everything is awesome for every single family home evening we have. He has perfected the jump tumble and is very much in love with his brudders and sister Kate. His family means everything to him. He likes to play with his friend Jake and go to coop. He will eat most things and still takes a nap every day. He likes to play basketball with his brothers and is always wanting to get money to buy candy. He loves candy!

Kate is 19 months and very busy trying to tease people or get them to chase her. She likes to be funny and she loves her daddy! Kate frequently races me to her brother Ethan when he cries and tries to be the first to hold him. She has a hard time waiting for her turn as I feed him or change his diaper. I think she thinks she is Ethan's mom too. She loves to stare at him and laugh at his little sounds. She puts her cheek on his face and pretends she is folding his clothes in the pack and play. She is very helpful and likes to bring people their shoes, blankets, cell phones, remotes, books, whatever she thinks they need. She has 12 teeth having just barely cut the four back teeth so she is enjoying her expanded food options. She seems to have grown out of her fainting spells. She used to cry so hard she would pass out. But that hasn't happened for a while. She is such a Joy to have around and we all love her so much. She goes crazy with delight when she sees Spencer after he has been gone. She squeals and claps her hands. They are buddies.
Ethan is 2 weeks old and continues to sleep a lot. He has started waking up a bit more in the evenings and we all enjoy watching him look around. He seems to be focusing in on people a little more now. We have noticed that Ethan has what is called tongue tie. Where his tongue is still attached quite a bit to the floor of his mouth by a cord. He doesn't have a lot of range of movement. We will have to see what the doctor recommends we do at his next apt. It doesn't seem to affect his ability to nurse so that is good. His umbilical cord fell off when he was like 10 days old but it still has some stuff coming out of it so he hasn't had his first bath yet. I have given him a few sponge baths though.

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