Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Josh took valentines to his friends at coop in his superman costume. I thought he might die from happiness. His little face was like rays of sunshine.:)

Spencer woke up bright and early to get dressed in his nice clothes for his field trip to the Smith center to see Flat Stanley. He was so excited and proud of the outfit he chose. He looked amazing.

Grant headed off to school with talk of music and how it inspires him and happy thoughts as he looked forward to the JV quiz club on Thursday. 

Kate LOVES to dance and showed us some new moves last night as we played basketball to we will rock you for Fhe last night. She crawls all over the place, pulls herself up into the standing position, tries to stand on her own and even sits down on the bottom step on the staircase that leads upstairs. She has 6 teeth (two still working there way through) and loves eating what we are eating for dinner and snacks. If we have a red cup she wants a red cup.:) It's so cute that babies notice these things. She's majorly In love with her daddy and makes a bee line for him on all fours when he gets home. She is strong and curious and very determined to explore, be involved and avoid sleep. We love all our children so much and feel so blessed to watch them learn and grow.

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