Thursday, May 08, 2014

18 month check up

Josh had his 18 month check up today a month late.:)

He is measuring in the 75th percentile now for height and weight. He had a huge growth spurt...way to go Josh. 
He is 2 feet 10 inches tall. and weighs 28 lbs.
At the appointment we discussed some of the health problems he has been having lately. A few weeks ago he turned blue and sort of just looked like he was freezing up. His Jaw locked up and his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he didn't respond to anything I did. I thought he might be choking so I swept his airway and found nothing then I tried the heimlich manover and still nothing. It was like he couldn't breath and he just got all stiff and blue. I called 911 and by the time they arrived he came back around. It was so weird...he turned pink again but it was like he couldn't see me and he was really out of it.  At first I thought it might be SVT so I called the cardiologist. They referred me back to the pediatrician since he supposedly grew out of it by his first birthday. So I took him into the pediatrician where they suggested it might have been a seizure and that he should be seen by a neurologist and a lot of labs were orderred. I was also told that if that ever happens again take him into the ER even if he comes back to and acts normal.  Apparently there is a lot they can learn from your blood after an episode like that to determine what happened. But it has to be pretty shortly after the episode occurs. 

The blood work came back in and showed that his iron levels are at the lowest number they can be to be considered normal which concerned the doctor since he has been on an iron supplement since January.  A few other numbers were a little off as well. So he is being tested for Celiac and also will be going to the neurologist as well. So fingers crossed that we can sort out his iron problem. 

In addition to that she said no more "Babbas" Oh man it's gonna get ugly over here for a while I already know. Josh loves his "Babba".
And to be sure not to have milk with meals or food containing iron.  

Other than the iron issues Josh has been doing pretty well.

 He loves all things "DADDY"!  He is never happier than he is when his Dad comes home from work. He is his little sidekick and dutiful helper.


Jeanette said...

He is so cute...all American 100% little boy! Love you Josh.

Jeanette said...
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