Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Another missing tooth, and a one month old giant baby Kate.

Spencer ran in from school yesterday and yelled at the top of his lungs to me, "Mom, I'm gonna rip out my tooth!"  And rip it out he did! I love how Spencer expresses himself. The words he uses are perfect every time. Every day I say to myself I am going to write it all down and every day I forget. 
After the big tooth ripping out we went outside to hang out while we waited for their dad to arrive. Our nice neighbor gave Spencer his old skateboard. Spencer of course was overjoyed and wanted to ride it immediately. But since I don't have any extra time on my hands for a concussion or a broken leg I told him to wait till we had the appropriate elbow and knee guards and I had my hands free to make sure he didn't have a major crash. My boys have two very overprotective parents. 
Josh has been a real character lately. I love him so much but he is sure giving us a run for our money. On this particular day he was very jealous of me holding Kate and changing her diaper and of her binkie and her hair flower.  He stole her binkie and used it multiple times in the day. He slapped her head when I wouldn't give it to him to wear. Then he just took it and wore it around for awhile. He even walked over to the door to show Bella through the glass.  I feel like I am constantly on the look out for Josh.  He likes to rush over to her suddenly and I never know what he's going to do.  He loves to hold her and wants to give her kisses all the time but he also wants to be the baby.  
He woke up in the middle of the night last night crying for a really long time untill I finally took him down stairs for something to eat and a bottle. Afterwards we read story after story. He kept smiling at me really big and I knew he appreciated the one on one time A LOT! It made me so happy to be there with him even though I was pretty tired. 
I have started taking a nap when he naps. Thankfully, he usually naps for about three hours.  I oftentimes get about 2 hours of sleep after I feed and change Kate. It's saving me. I don't get much more than diaper changes, feedings and straightening up done during the day but I am sane--and we are all alive.:)
Having four kids has forced me to drastically change my priorities and oddly enough I have had to say no to more of what I do for others and yes for some time for me.  I feel like I have to make some time for myself each day usually at the end of the day when everyone else is sleeping to recharge my batteries mentally. I like to blog, read blogs, read newspapers, catch up on Facebook and look at Pinterest.  I am a very visual person and these activities are very relaxing for me. I have been feeling an itch to get out an exercise as well. I can so understand why mom's shop alone. I get girls nights out and I definitely love the idea of going out on a weekly date alone with my husband now more than ever.  I am dying to see a good movie. Wet and wild this Saturday can not come soon enough. I could go on and on. I guess the harder you work the more you need to balance it with other renewing activities. 
I really look forward to Tyler getting home each and every day. He is such a tremendous help and he gives really good hugs. He is always caught off guard and kind of suspicious when I hug him or smile at him though--his first instinct is to wonder what I want? He is right to wonder. I usually have a mental list a mile long...but mostly I just want a hug.:) Josh looks forward to it too. He always yells out "Daddy!"
Kate still sleeps all the time. With all the growing she has done I can understand why. She has really gotten big in the last week especially. She is out of all of her newborn things and a lot of her 0-3 month things. She has a onesie that is 3-6 months and it's already pretty snug. Her main issue is with items that have pants. They are short on her. She is a long baby with chubby, chubby, cheeks. 
I have still not gotten any sort of formal picture taken of her. I do this all the time. I think I will be able to to do something at home and never get around to it. My friend Sara is a photographer and has agreed to let me come over and use her studio backdrops this Friday.  So I will finally get a few shots of her that look sort of professional.  
Having two babies has forced me to slow down a lot and really focus on a few things at a time. As a result my house stays way cleaner than ever before.  And I don't feel guilty staying home and accomplishing very little. I don't see it as a little bit anymore. I feel OK about the pace we are taking because I realize I am not capable of more.  I am just barely hanging on with the sporadic sleep I'm getting.  I wish that could change. I am so out of it when I am tired. I can function and get tasks done just fine but I have a hard time talking with Tyler at the end of the day. I can't remember anything and Grant is always asking me what is wrong.  
 I am suddenly more aware of how much I need the blessings that come from obedience.  I am so grateful that we don't have to do this alone.  That we have our Heavenly Father to guide us.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Sounds like you are doing just fine. This time in your life you can't expect to get much done. It is just children and home as I recall. Sooo greatful for the gospel too!