Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"ball" and a sick baby

 Josh has been pretty sick this last week.  He got Roseola again.  And has had a cold every since. In addition to having a cold we are pretty sure he has some sort of respiratory issues. When he goes outside when it's windy especially after a cold he starts to cough and cough and cough. He does the same thing when he is rolling around on the carpet or under my desk (it's a little dusty there:(  The worst part of it all is that he throws up. He has a strong gag reflex like his mom and out it all comes. Tyler is wonderful at cleaning it all up but I'm pretty sure he is tired of it. I guess we will need to take him into the Dr. to figure out what to do about it.
 In addition to being sick he is still obsessed with "ball"  watching ball games and shooting a ball around the house all the time.

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