Monday, January 27, 2014

So grateful there is a plan

Grant has not been wanting to go to school lately and I just don't know what to do about it. I woke up this morning feeling very overwhelmed.  I have spent a lot of time praying and thinking trying to get to the bottom of the issue trying to help him feel happy and comfortable when he is there. I told Tyler how I was feeling. After breakfast he had a talk with Grant about it. I am so happy he did. And I am glad that what he told him is exactly what I would have said too. But for some reason coming from Tyler it seems to have sunk in. It is such a wonderful blessing to have such a great husband to help me take care of our family. In addition to Tyler speaking with Grant I have had a few other thoughts about this.

As I have been studying the scriptures and various other books I have come across a quote two times that I have felt like I should share with him. A quote I think will resonate with him and help him at this time.

"As we strive for perfection, we seek excellence.  Excellence may leave you sensitive in the face of the jaded;  curious in the crowd of uninterested; quiet in groups of static and noise; caring in the company of the unconcerned; exact while all about you is approximation; refined in place of gross; exceptional in stead of commonplace."  BYU commencement, May 26, 1967 -Thomas S. Monson

One of his most frequent complaints is how frustrating it is to try and do what is right only to get in trouble for it...or to watch others hold double standards. Expecting excellence from him and falling short themselves.

Welcome to life my son. We all take turns unintentionally disappointing and being disappointed. For the most part we are all doing our best working on different things. It is easy to be offended when we compare strengths to weaknesses or vice versa. I have found that If I just try my best to do what I can the Lord will let me know where I stand and in that I can find peace. I hope I can teach this to my children

I am so grateful we have a living prophet to guide us in this difficult life. I am grateful for the commandments and the safety and peace we find as we remember to do what is ours to do and look for the blessings all around us.

I am grateful for hope and the plan of salvation that helps me feel like everything will be all right when I am tempted to give in to despair.

1 comment:

Robinson Family said...

I love reading your posts! Thanks for sharing your sweet testimony and challenges. I hope Grant is doing better and has a positive attitude. Life can be very frustrating. Thank goodness for the gospel, an eternal perspective, and a prophet to show us the way. Dallin needs to talk with him soon. Love you guys!