Thursday, April 30, 2015

St. George, baby Kelly and family

We had a wonderful trip to this last weekend. It all started in St. George.
We had a really nice time there but unfortunately I only snapped one picture on my IPhone. 
We intended to drive all the way through to Provo on Wednesday when we left at 5 but discovered that we were way too tired to do so. Janet and Robert (Tyler's aunt and Uncle were kind enough to let us stay with them overnight so we could get a good nights rest and recharge our batteries. Tyler's parents were  there visiting so that was another big bonus. We had a nice time chatting and enjoyed a quinoa with soaked walnuts, raisins and goats milk breakfast. It was really tasty. My asthma was out of control so that was not fun.  Then next morning we explored around on their farm. We saw baby goats, "chicks" as Josh calls the fully grown chickens, big giant cows and a beautiful Garden too. It was very relaxing. Robert and Janet are kind and welcoming and their home feels like a little piece of heaven to me. We love it there. 

Once we arrived in Provo we stopped in at Aunt Barbara's house where we were going to be staying to unload our things and spend a little bit of time with her. The kids enjoyed stretching their legs and getting reacquainted with her briefly before it was time to leave for Salt Lake to meat Baby Kelly!!! My sister had her first baby on Tuesday morning I believe. I didn't take any pictures because my Mom's boyfriend Ted did. I will add those when I get my hands on a few. After our brief but wonderful visit with Mary, Spencer and Kelly we went to the famous Red Iguana for some Delicious Mexican food. 
Then it was back to Provo for us. It took us till nearly midnight to get back to Barbara's due to the construction along the freeway.
The next morning was women's conference for me. I attended from 9:45 until about 1:30 before my asthma got out of control again. Tyler picked me up and we met up with His parents and Jacob for some BYU creamery ice cream. It was delicious. 

After that we went back to Barbara's and tried to get the kids to nap. It didn't work at all so we gave up and got ready for the Lawrence family get together at the park near Barbara's home. I did take pictures and they will be coming a little later. It was a beautiful evening with lot's of cousins and good snacks. Everyone seemed to have a nice time. 
The next morning we drove up to see Mary, Spencer and Kelly again but this time in their cute home. Mary was released from the hospital and even though she had to take Kelly back in that morning to make sure he was gaining weight they were back home for good once we got there. When I walked in Mary was crocheting this beautiful blanket for him. It was a pretty cute sight. It made me wish we lived closer and we could have crocheting parties. 
Shortly after we arrived Spencer's Mom Vicky got their from Missouri. 
We sat on the porch swing Spencer got Mary for Valentines day. 
And had fun looking around at their very cute house. 
Kate was ready to take the Cats home.
And we all loved holding and staring at this beautiful little boy.
I had just a few minutes to snap some pictures of him before we had to leave for a baptism.
Kate was beside herself trying to get her hands on that baby. She wanted to hold him so bad. 
Spencer and Mary love this little guy so much and were up most of the night trying to figure out how to get him to eat more. 
Mary is such a sweet patient and relaxed mom. I always love being around her...she is such a calm, kind soul. Kelly is lucky to have her as his mother. 
Josh was darting in and out of the picture. I meant to get a picture with my Mom and Ted in it too. 
Kelly Opened his eyes for just a few minutes and stared lovingly at his mommy.
We all love him so much already. 
Josh enjoyed telling Spencer stories and playing fun games with him. He is really good with kids. 
Welcome Home Kelly we love you and can't wait to see you again. 
After seeing Kelly we made our way over to Lizzy (Tyler's cousins) baptism. It was beautiful and I cried as much as the parents. These pregnancy hormones are working overtime lately. More pictures and details to follow. Stay tuned....

1 comment:

Jim said...

Sure was good to see you! Cute baby!