This morning I woke up knowing I had a million things to do. The day started early at 5:49 am without an alarm...surprisingly I felt totally rested. Ahhh, what a good feeling it is to be rested. Especially since I have been totally exhausted for the last week or so. I slept in yesterday till about 10:30 am. I could do that because Spencer was with his dad till then. So after a day of rest and recoverry I am ready to tackle the day at hand.
The best way I have found to deal with these crazy days is to pull out my scriptures first. I have a tendency to drown in all there is to do and find all the reasons why it's all impossible. Somehow reading the scriptures calms my nerves and brings a sweet peaceful feeling into my heart that seems to carry me through. I don't feel any smarter or like I have more insight as to how it will all work...I just know that I have the spirit with me as my guide and if I follow it the essential things will get taken care of and the rest will fall by the wayside. I realize I will make mistakes but the fear of making a mistake when I'm not working alone and I am trying to do my best is nill compared to the fear I feel when I try and face life alone. I am so grateful for prayer, for revelation, for the commandments that I can choose to obey...the ones that bring the greatest blessings into my life.
I am grateful for the gifts of the Holy ghost, and the Atonement. When I utilize these two gifts in my life consistently I feel whole...I feel I am operating the way I was intended to operate. I think it will be a good day.
I watched this clip about the Prophet this morning and loved it.
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