The other day Grant came home with an assignment from school to make a timeline of his life. Luckily I had recorded all of the milestones needed for the assignment but, It got me thinking though about how well I am doing now, or how well I did recording any of Spencers. If he had to do the same thing would I be able to help him out with what is recorded. I think not. I guess I better start keeping a better record.
I love reading the details of other peoples lives but can't seem to come up with anything from our day to day life that jumps out at me or seems noteworthy. As a whole we are happy, we are making progress as a family and feel very blessed but somehow the little details of life that make up this happiness don't seem that impressive. I would like to get better at this. I just don't know where to start. I do better with assignments. Like for example if I had a list of things people would like to know. Any ideas?
The thing that jumps out at me right now is the latest ultra-sound pictures I got of the baby. First of all HE is a mover and a shaker. He seems to be easily irritated when his personal space is encroached upon. Each time the ultrasound tech would push down on my tummy to get a nice profile shot he'd flip around and move out of the way. In addition to being a wiggle worm he likes to suck his thumb just like Spencer did. I love watching him on the monitor and only wish I could get a video somehow of my visits. I always wish Tyler was there to see how cute our baby is.
He is already such a big part of our life and daily conversations. We can't wait to meet him in October (although hearing about Tyler's cousin going into Labor the other day gave me a flash back and the idea of labor scared me for a good hour or so). Anyhow... Spencer and Grant feel very acutely this sense of responsibility to get this baby boy named. Clearly we are not dealing with it fast enough. We continue to get some really good suggestions. Michael Joseph Van Holland is the latest favorite from Spencer. Oscar comes up from time to time still. Both boys think it's a winner. We however have not decided on the name OSCAR just for your information. We just smile and enjoy the entertaining flow of good ideas...Donna, Rose, Ellie, Oscar, Jobason, Michael Joseph Van Holland, Eugene, Tracy.
Tyler and I both like more traditional names. Nothing has really stood out in our mind though yet.
That wasn't so hard. If I could just do this a little bit every day I'm sure I'd get better. Wish me luck.
I enjoy your blog and comments. You ought to have Heidi tell you about the book she makes each year from her blog for their family history. I wish you lots of luck! Love, Mom Young
A boy, I guess you will remain the princess of the house. Congrats to you all!
A boy, Congrats! thumb suckers are very cute. I just have to figure out how to break my current two of the habit, any suggestions?
I don't know if this is what you had in mind, but it made me think of you and you're quest to keep a better record -
Congrats on the baby!
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