Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Feeling better

I washed dishes today and I liked it! To my complete shock and delight I am feeling BETTER!!!!!

These past three months have been HARD to say the least.  I have struggled to feel a desire to do much but mope around and feel sorry for myself. The nausea, food aversions, crazy food cravings, the guilt associated with being so out of it, and exhaustion have been a little much.  Then I compare myself to others making matters worse.

I realized though after a particularly difficult day of comparing and feeling sorry for myself that I was allowing the wrong influence into my life....a LOT. The scary part is that I didn't even realize it was happening. I made a determination to nip that in the bud.

Each time I found myself throwing a pity party or feeling lost and overwhelmed by it all I felt that familiar gentle pull towards the scriptures like I frequently do but this time I dropped whatever it was I was doing to read.

 The books are magical as far as I am concerned. Without fail instantaneous peace and love came over me. I felt capable...proud of even the smallest accomplishments and I learned that not only am I holding myself to this incorrect standard of perfection but I am holding others to it as well. Namely my children. As the spirit continued to teach me I felt increased love for myself and for my family. Increased gratitude for all that I have. Small things became less of an annoyance and finally I found a pattern of thinking and being at this difficult time that allowed me to have the spirit with me.

Encouraged I moved forward as I becamse sicker still. I applied this formula and for the most part have learned to survive. But just when you get the hang of things life has a way of mixing things up.

I woke up this morning energized, able to shower first thing and move around freely totally unaware of how I was feeling. !!!!!!! I was pretty excited to finally get something done... Unfortunately in my desperation to finally accomplish something I forgot to be a nice person.

Not good. I apologized.


Mary Ann said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. Isn't it both a blessing and an annoyance that each time we overcome a trial, there is another one just waiting for us? :)

Jerrica said...

Kristie your words are something I can relate to. The comparing and forgetting to be a nice person ~ Especially to thos eclosest to me. I hope your days continue to be liek today. You are truly one of the best! Hang in there mama <3

MaryAnn said...

Early pregnancy is rough - hang in there. Glad to hear that you are feeling somewhat better!